
Saturday, October 31, 2009

double study date<3

woahhhh did alot alot of TYS questions, had alot of questions
hence met joel @ northpoint bk with bestie (:
it's damn good to see alllll your questions answered, SERIOUSLY.
met so many people thr, jason yinxiu keqing francis saman's friends.

AND WHY must people inquire about my love life before they can EVER tell me theirs?!
HUR? HUR HUR HUR HURRRR?! *hmphs to bestie and bestie's BOYFRIEND, yinxiu and yinxiu's BOYFRIEND HAHA*

anyway i have about six essay questions to do, from foofoopoofoo.
actually he's really cute in his way.
had a three-student consultation with him- he spent about twenty mins telling us that firstly :[here's the gist] he seriously feels that war is coming soon, when ussr reunites.

i asked him ," EH MR FOO so when war comes what will YOU do?"

foo: " eh i'll just stay at home and sleep. *pauses* and die thr loh!"


secondly, he lectured us on HISTORY. how spore is poart of a colony, blahblahs japan damn powerful. ahyo. ahyoahyo foofoopoomoo-

okay he's really naive and innocent in his own way. by the way i REALLY THINK that foo will be that type of guai guai mummy's boy whereby his mommy will fix up blind dates ^^ for him every weekend. awwwww pujupuju. serious puju. i hope he gets married and invites 33a ONE DAY.

anyway today's great, besides walking in the rain trying to sms, every once in a while having that shock of slipping halfway due to worn out havainnas, looking all drenched and ugly while ppl stare at you waiting for ban mian in kopitiam at 9:30pm, and lastly getting gastric pains RIGHT BEFORE i stuff my first mouthful of ban mian in my mouth.

eh nah, LASTLY. it's 12am! 9 MORE DAYS TO A'S! oh well.

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ear candies
