[ANYWAYYYY,] Fast&Furious4, Wolverine--> THUMBS UP.
today is vesak day,
thank you budha and whoever ,because YOU made our dream[a short break] come true.
so that we can finally push ourselves back to the brim of the water to take a hugeeeee breath before diving in again.
yesterday was mother's day.
we celebrated it in the most traditional way[or extremely special to some out there]
in the afternoon when mum and i started bickering and ended up making it into the Most Serious Argument of the Year 2009.
yup. very sincere and genuine celebration of mother's day that provoked alot of emotions and buckets of tears from mum and i.
i just dont want to leave my family when i'm married one fine day, with mum and i regretting how the cruel miscommunication between us has killed the time we could have spent lovingly together.
as usual everything just went back to normal and i know that we will argue again.soon. it's always like that.
anyway we got her, AGAIN, a swatch watch.
now that's a loyal fan of Swatch.
i was queueing for bubbletea AGAIN for my family,
and when i was ordering the aunties were especially rude and slowww.
" auntie, one icekachang, one oreo chocolate and one champiange grape milk tea"
"huh! what ? ice kachang ah! and what ah, oreo*suddenly diverts attention to her colleague* eh! what you saying? *comes back to me * urh! what again?"
but after purchasing the bubbleteas i realised that these aunties never have breaks[because apparently they are always the ones behind the counter at work whenever i go sweet talk].
and it was Mother's day that day!
i felt bad and sorry for them. because all of them look old enough for me to assume that they HAVE kids. and i reckon their pay should be very low.
hmm but my dad didnt think that way. when i told him , he said their kids will probably give them a surprise when they reach home blah blahhhh.
okay this is going nowhere.
i'm just really, really bored.
watching heroes, csi las vegas, csi ny, csi miami, friends does not work my boredom away.
not doing homework doesnt give me pleasure either.
so i should be doing homework. HAHAH.
i mean, can you feel the dust around me? the air around me is totally lacklustre [learnt that from geok's tiny vocab booklet]
and the stupid thunder kept going on and on WITHOUT rain for SIX hours.
anyway i made a card for mum.
i think it's nice.
okay then i shall be random!some peektures in my comp which i find interesting:



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